In the event that there is an issue with delivery, You must liaise directly with the retailer. The retailer is solely In the event that there is an issue with delivery, You must liaise directly with the retailer. The retailer is solely responsible for delivery and will use their utmost care and diligence in accepting and processing orders to deliver the same to your designated address.
Cancellations & returns
In accordance with statute and regulation, you may cancel or return your order at any time prior to delivery of the products to you and for a period of 14 (fourteen) days after the delivery of the products to you without any reason. In that event, you must notify the appropriate retailer of your cancellation and arrange to return the products to them no later than thirty days after notifying them of your cancellation. The cost of returning such goods is a matter for You.
In the event that You cancel your order, the retailer will refund to You the total amount paid by you in respect of the product together with the standard delivery charge on receipt of the goods from you. If You have not yet received your order, then the retailer will be obliged to refund the amount paid within 30 days together with the standard delivery charge. The retailer shall reimburse You using the same means of payment as used for the initial transaction.
For the avoidance of any doubt, ShopNearBuy does not process payments on behalf of any consumer or retailer. Accordingly, ShopNearBuy does not issue refunds directly. You must liaise with the particular retailer with regard to any potential refund.
In the event that You cancel your order and return goods to the retailer you are obliged to take reasonable care of the goods prior to returning them. You are also liable for any reduced value of the goods resulting from reasonable handling of them. In the event that there is damage to the goods on return from You, the retailer is entitled to withhold such portion of the refund due to You.
If you have any problem with the service provided to You by a retailer or any product which you purchase, we recommend that you contact your retailer directly. If the retailer does not respond to your complaint, please contact us If you have any problem with the service provided to You by a retailer or any product which you purchase, we recommend that you contact your retailer directly. If the retailer does not respond to your complaint, please contact us and we will endeavour to assist you. For the avoidance of doubt however the matter of cancelation of the contract or any refund or dispute in respect of the product must be dealt with directly with the retailer with whom you have entered into the contract for the sale of the goods.