Epsom Salts
EPSOM SALTS FCC Grade / 100% Food Grade Quality
Epsom Salt is widely used in the sports world for treating muscle pain and bruising
Recommend usage in a bath of approx 300g – 500g or 1 -2 large mugfulls.
It’s also an easy way to raise the body’s level of Magnesium and Sulphate which are insufficient in todays diet, for more information on epsom salt and its many uses please visit www.epsomsaltcouncil.org
Benefits of Epsom Salt in treating Autism!
They are used as an intervention which can help alleviate some of the symptoms related to Autism.
Dr Rosemary Waring found that most people with Austic Spectrum Disorder have a deficiency in a key detoxification pathway, known as sulphation.
This detoxification process can be amellorated by supplementing with sulphate. Sulphate is poorly absorbed when taken orally, but is more easily absorbed through the skin. For this reason, many parents of children with Autism add Epsom Salts to their bath water with many reporting benefits such as improved sleep patterns. calmer behaviour and improvements in skin conditions such as Eczema.
Magnesium, the other component of epsom salts, can also be absorbed through the skin and since children with Autism are often deficient in magnesium to, a bath with added Epsom salts can provide a beneficial increase in this essential mineral also.
Our Epsom Salts are 100% food Grade & chemically Pure FCC Grade with a typical Magnesium Sulphate ( MgS0 ) of 49.1 %
They are are an approved laxative, so consultation with your doctor is advised before taking orally, all the above information is for general purposes only and consultation with your GP is always advised otherwise.